Why ProteaseGL™

ProteaseGL™ has clinically and scientifically demonstrated the ability to not only break down the most resistant proline regions of the gluten or casein molecule but also to digest the entire gluten or casein protein chain into smaller peptides and amino acids the body can absorb and utilize to maintain health.* The highly-purified proteolytic enzymes in ProteaseGL™ are concentrated from the fermentation of non-genetically modified microorganisms, primarily Aspergillus species with a long history of safe use. ProteaseGL™ is assayed using the DPP-IV method which directly measures the ability of one of the enzymes in the blend, prolyl dipeptidyl peptidase, to hydrolyze proline bonds.[19] In addition, the HUT assay method is performed on this proprietary blend to provide a general measure of its ability to break down large proteins increasing the accessibility to resistant proline bonds under acidic conditions similar to that found in the stomach where optimal gluten and casein digestion takes place.

Research Supporting ProteaseGL

A sample of ProteaseGL™ (.0685g) was diluted in pH 4.5 acetate buffer. A portion of this (950µL) was added to a solution (50µL) of purified gliadin substrate. The reaction was allowed to shake in a 37 degree water bath for 45 minutes, as this is the average time food starts to move from the stomach to the intestines. The reaction was then boiled for fifteen minutes to stop the reaction from further degradation and allowed to cool for five minutes. The sample was then run on the VeratoxGliadin R5 ELISA kit and read on a micro-plate reader at 655nm. The percent degradation was determined using a standard curve.
